This guide will walk through Datagrabber installation. You will be provided Datagrabber program files from your install tech. If you need Datagrabber program files you can copy the Apteryx folder on an existing computer that was setup with XVCapture, reach out to your Implementation Coordinator (IC), or submit a support ticket for help.
1. Copy the Apteryx folder to a server location. You can create a dedicated folder or utilize an existing shared folder, DTXCommon or EZDCommon for example.
Ex: or
Note: You can get Datagrabber files from the above mentioned methods.
2. Once a copy of the Apteryx folder is on the server cut the ApteryxINI.INI file and place it into a different folder. Typically, the parent Apteryx folder or into the Extensions folder.
3. Run Datagrabber as Administrator for the first time. Click “I Agree”, then right click the DG icon and exit out of Datagrabber.
Note: If your Datagrabber tells you the trial period has expired you will need to submit a support ticket to resolve that message, or you can setup Datagrabber from a different computer.
4. Now you can run your data drill. To get your drill use this link. Expand “Practice Management Bridges (DataDrills)” and download the one you need.
Note: Some data drills need you to enter a password or passphrase when installed. Ex: Dentrix Passphrase.
5. After you have successfully installed the data drill you can cut the ApteryxINI.INI back into the XVCapture folder. Datagrabber can now be opened, and it will be fully licensed.
6. Some practice management drills require you to point Datagrabber to their data file. To do this right click Datagrabber and hover over “Customize…” then click on “Data Drills…”. Datagrabber will tell you this is an advanced feature, click Continue to proceed.
7. Double click on the data drill you installed. The window will tell you the file you are looking for at the bottom. An example of this is “Pat_Dat.Dat”. You will need to navigate to the server and locate that data file inside of the PM folders. Example path would be \\Server\EZDCommon\Data\Pat_Dat.Dat
If you can not locate the data file, reach out to the practice management company for assistance.
8. Once you have successfully selected the practice managements data file Datagrabber will tell you if it’s connected to their database or not. You want to see a yes with the number of patients in that database.
Your Initial Setup of Datagrabber is now complete.
Setting up computer shortcuts and Datagrabber launched applications.
1. On a workstation requiring the Datagrabber bridge navigate to the server location you selected in step 1 of initial setup.
2. Create a desktop shortcut of Datagrabber
3. Run Datagrabber as administrator for the first time. Click yes to start with windows. By running Datagrabber as administrator the first time it goes to the public startup folder for multiple users.
4. Right click Datagrabber and hover over “Customize…” then click on “Launched Applications…”. Datagrabber will tell you this is an advanced feature, click Continue to proceed.
If this is a capture computer (A computer that takes X-Rays, Intraoral Photos, or Pano/Ceph/3D Images) with XVCapture follow step 5. If the computer is a viewing computer like a front desk or Dr PC, follow step 10.
5. Select “Add AppDef”
6. Select “Next”
7. Select “Browse”
8. Highlight the local folder copy of XVCapture in blue, click Ok, then Finish.
9. Uncheck everything except XVCapture. Click Ok to finish. The Datagrabber bridge can now be tested.
10. For a front desk or viewing computer, double click on XVWeb. Type in the XVWeb url including https://. Click Ok
11. Uncheck everything except XVWeb. Click Ok to finish. The Datagrabber bridge can now be tested.
Note: On subsequent computers you will not need to type in the XVWeb url - it will already be populated from the first computer setup.
Article Version 2.0 2023.11.4