- On a PC with the program working, set that workstation's settings as default.
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to Install Location
- Copy the “Apteryx” folder, or the parent folder of the XVCapture.exe file
- Either Paste the file onto a flash drive, networked location, or external hard drive
- Copy the folder from your flash drive, networked location, or external hard drive and paste it onto the C:\ drive of the computer you wish to install XVCapture on
- From the local folder, run the “vc_redist.x86.exe”
- Run “XVCapture.exe” as Admin for first launch.
• Any prompts regarding default settings, click YES.
If default prompt is missed, continue to Defaults Prompt Missed
• Any prompts for shortcut creation, Click YES, create the shortcuts.
If the shortcut prompt doesn’t come up. Right click XVCapture and Send to > Desktop
If Default Prompt is missed
Take the Default Configurations
• Any prompts for shortcut creation, Click YES, create the shortcuts. If shortcut prompt is missed, follow step 7. Otherwise, this install of the program is complete.
If the shortcut prompt doesn’t come up. Right click XVCapture and Send to > Desktop
Article Version 1.1 2023.03.09