Note: XVLite is no longer a supported software by Apteryx Imaging as of Dec 31, 2021 and can no longer be registered as of Dec 31. 2022. (ref: Sunset Announcement of XVLite). As this platform can no longer be registered, additional registration numbers can no longer be added. Please reach out to our Sales team at for more information.
- Open the program.
- Select Preferences from the bottom of the left side bar.
- Click on Advanced from the middle of the left side bar.
- Click on the Change Registration button.
- A window displaying all registration numbers currently active on this installation will be listed. Click on Add New RegNUM
Type in new registration number (dashes are important, numbers 0-9 and letters A-F), Click Get Activation Code, and finally click Done.
- If adding more codes, repeat steps 5 and 6 as often as necessary.
Article Version 1.2 2023.9.05