This walkthrough contains the following sections:
Sensor Installation - Guide on downloading and installing necessary parts to successfully use a Tuxedo A-Series sensor
Image Quality - Basic settings for preferred image quality of a Tuxedo A-Series sensor
Sensor Installation
- If using XCVapture/DCV v3.4, navigate to our Legacy Downloads article and continue to step #2,
otherwise, if using XVCapture/DCV v3.5+, navigate to our Current Imaging Downloads page and skip to step #3 - Scroll down and click “DCV and XVWeb Imaging Devices (Legacy v3.4)”
- Scroll down until Tuxedo is visible in the first column
- There are two files to download from this location:
- Tuxedo A-Series Extension
If using v3.4, use the link in the right most column [Labeled either “Release” or “Beta”] and will be a link of a version/build number [IE: 10.2 Build 1]
- For server installs – The extension only needs to be run once, from one computer.
- For local installs – The extension needs to be installed on every computer that the Tuxedo A-Series sensor is to be used
- Tuxedo A-Series Driver
For v3.4, this is found in the 2nd column [Labeled as Tuxedo A-Series Driver followed by a version number]. For v3.5, the same style link is found directly underneath the extension download link.
- The driver needs to be installed on every computer that the Tuxedo A-Series sensor is to be used
- Tuxedo A-Series Extension
- Running the Installers (make sure all instances of XVCapture/DCV are closed):
- Click on the Windows Explorer icon
- Click Downloads on the left-hand side of the window that populates.
- Locate and RIGHT click on DCVIXTuxedoASeriesUpgrader.exe and LEFT click Run as Administrator
- Click Next in the installer window until Finish is no longer greyed out
- Verify there were no errors
- Click Finish
- Locate and RIGHT click on SetupIntraOralUsb_32bit.exe and LEFT click Run as Administrator
- Click Next / Install until the install wizard is finished, then click Finish
- Plug sensor in and perform a test capture within a test patient inside XVCapture/DCV
- The first capture using a Tuxedo A-Series sensor on this installation of XVCapture/DCV should prompt for a calibration file. Click Yes and wait for capture window to turn from RED to GREEN.
- If it does not prompt for the calibration file, go to the XVCapture/DCV main screen and click Advanced User Tools in the lower left. Click on Preferences and input the default password AKRON. Select Imaging Extensions down in the blue section on the left and click on the little red arrow (>) next to Digital X-ray Image Capture. Click on TuxedoASeries Digital X-ray and select Hardware Settings on the left. Check the checkbox under Correction Options at the bottom. Click OK, click OK, exit and reopen XVCapture/DCV, attempt the test capture again.
- Click on the Windows Explorer icon
Image Quality
Please reference our Tuxedo A-Series Image Quality article for steps on setting the default values for your Tuxedo A-Series Sensor.
Article Version 1.4 2021.12.23