Sometimes you may find it necessary to combine multiple individual images into a single series, or merge individual images into a pre-existing layout, or consolidate multiple series into a single study. All of these instances follow the same basic steps outlined below within XV Web.
Combine/Merge Studies/Series:
First, you will want to navigate to the patient record in question in XV Web. Below is a test patient record example. In this example we will use individual images needing to be combined into the same study and then series.
Using the Select Tool on the left tool bar, select all the disparate studies with singular images except the last study which we will use to merge all of these together into one.
Then with those studies selected, click the Edit Tool on the right tool bar.
On this next screen you will want to choose "Assign To Existing Study"
This will bring up a list of other existing studies under this same patient record. In this test example there is only one additional study I did not select. This is the study we will use to combine all 4 studies into 1. If you have more than our example here that's fine; but be sure to leave at least one study unselected so you can use it to combine all the studies together.
After clicking "Reassign Study" you will be brought back to the patient record overview screen. Now you will notice those four (or more) studies have a bracket around them. This means they are now combined into the same study. Great!
Now using the Select Tool once more; this time select all studies in the combined bracket. In our example here there are four but there can be more.
Then once again select the Edit Tool on the right tool bar.
On the reassign screen, this time you will choose "Assign New Study"
Click Confirm to combine the multiple studies into a single series
Now you will see that the studies are combined into a single series. Fantastic!
You can reorganize/place them into a new layout to reassign tooth associations or modality by clicking the Layout Tool on the right tool bar; and then Place.
Once you've placed them into a new layout the patient record should be refreshed. And you will see the series displayed to your liking. Great work!