This guide will walk you through the process of comparing full studies and individual images within XVWeb, using the Select and Compare tools.
Video Walkthrough
Comparing Complete Studies:
- Query your patient’s images in XVWeb to view the images.
- Click the Select tool in the left toolbar. When this tool is active, you will see the icon change from a black background to an orange background. This means the tool is currently in use.
- While the Select tool is active, click on the studies you would like to compare from the list on the left. An orange border will appear around the thumbnails showing the selected studies.
- Click on Compare () in the right-hand toolbar. This will allow you to view the selected studies side by side.
Comparing Individual Images:
- Query your patient’s images in XVWeb to view the images.
- Open the first study containing the image(s) that you would like to compare.
- Click the Select tool in the left toolbar. When this tool is active, you will see the icon change from a black background to an orange background. This means the tool is currently in use.
- Click on the image(s) you would like to compare with another. An orange border will highlight the currently selected image.
(If all of the individual images you wish to compare have been selected, across all necessary studies, skip to step 7, otherwise continue to step 5) - Click on the Select tool again to deactivate the tool. The selected image(s) will remain selected.
- Repeat steps 2 through 5 with any following studies containing image(s) to compare until all images have been selected.
- Click on Compare () in the right hand toolbar. All images that were selected will now appear side by side (or in a grid if 3 or more images were selected)
Article Version 1.3 2022.04.15