CBCTs can be stored in XVWeb, but they can be stored in two basic types: Multi-File DICOM and Single-File DICOM. XVWeb will typically export in the same format that the image was saved to XVWeb when imported or captured. XVWeb does not currently give you the ability to select which format you want the CBCTs exported, but XVCapture does.
In order to do this, you can query and launch the CBCT in XVCapture, then perform the following steps.
1. Select "Image Operations" on the left toolbar > "Save and Export" > "Save / Export Image"
2. Select "Show Advanced Options" and make selections in the outlined areas, then select "Ok" to export your image. Details below.
Target Directory: Where you want the DICOM Files to Export to. Make sure you have an empty folder selected so that it will be much easier to zip and share.
Image File Format: We have 2 DICOM file formats: .dcm and .dic - typically you want to select .dcm, but you can always confirm this with the lab you are working with or the Support Team that supports the 3D Application you are importing this image into.
Compression: Typically you want to select "No Compression", but you can always confirm this with the lab you are working with or the Support Team that supports the 3D Application you are importing this image into.
Split multi-frame CT images into single-frame files: Toggling this option on will split the DICOM into a Multi-File DICOM for each slice in the image. Toggling this option off will export a Single-File DICOM, combining all of the slices into a single file. Typically, you want a Multi-File DICOM, but you can always confirm this with the lab you are working with or the Support Team that supports the 3D Application you are importing this image into.