The following guide covers instructions and a basic overview for creating print layouts
Video Walkthrough
- Begin by selecting the start button (lower left) on your screen or by hitting the Windows key on your keyboard. Type "print layout editor" and select the entry if it is listed.
If you do not see it listed, you may download it here under the section for DCV utilities.
By default it will show all existing print layouts you already have. For the purposes of this tutorial we will cover the aspects of creating a new layout. - Select 'Create New Print Layout'.
- Name your layout. Provide a description if you wish.
- Select 'Add New Image Tile'.
- To enable the auto-populate function to fill the print layouts automatically, select 'Image Tile Modality' dropdown, choose your modality (typically IO), then select the desired tooth associates from the populated chart (either by individually clicking each tooth, or click-dragging over multiple at once).
- Click OK.
- Click and drag the lower right corner of the tile to adjust its dimensions.
- Click and drag the tile itself to adjust its placement.
- Repeat steps 4-8 for each image tile needed in the layout. Other optional tile types are listed below.
- Adjust print orientation if needed.
- Click OK at the bottom to save the new layout
- If any instance of XVCapture/DCV from this installation was open, the program must be closed and then reopened before the new progression will be available.
Custom layouts are install specific. If each workstation at a practice has individual local installations, navigate back to the same folder where Progression Editor.exe was found (on the PC where the custom layout was created), inside there is a folder called "bin". Inside the "bin" folder will be the custom layout named as it was in step 4 ending in .progression (IE CustomLayout.progression). Copy this file to the same "bin" folders of all other PCs needing to use the new custom layout.
Optional Tiles
Image Referenced Text Tile
To add a text tile that will reference your image click the tile you wish to reference, then select 'Add New Image Referenced Text Tile'.
By default the reference tile will include some information associated with the image that will display in that tile when printed. Additional definitions may be used. Click the icon to see additional definitions.
Click and drag the lower right corner of the tile to adjust its dimensions.
Click and drag the tile itself to adjust its placement and the connecting line.
Click OK.
Standalone Text Tile
(Optional) Create a Text Tile by selecting 'Add New Standalone Text Tile'
By default the reference tile will include the Date. Many offices will include their practice name, address, and phone number. Additional definitions may be used. Click the icon to see additional definitions.
Click and drag the lower right corner of the tile to adjust its dimensions.
Click and drag the tile itself to adjust its placement and the connecting line.
Click OK.
Article Version 1.1 2021.10.28