If all images from one patient are to be moved to another patient, you may consider merging patients.
Sometimes images are accidentally taken under the wrong patient and needs to be moved to the correct record. Follow the steps below to move images between patients in XrayVision.
Video Walkthrough
- Open the image(s)/layout(s) that you would like to move.
- Right click the image/layout and select: Move to patient. From here there are 3 options:
- Move Image/File to Patient
- This will move the selected image to another patient
If you are selecting an image inside of a layout this will copy that single image to another patient’s folder
- This will move the selected image to another patient
- Move Layout to Patient
- This will move the entire selected layout to another patient
- This will move the entire selected layout to another patient
- Move All Images to A Patient
- This moves all images that are being viewed currently to another patient
- This moves all images that are being viewed currently to another patient
- Move Image/File to Patient
Article Version 1.3 2022.04.14