XrayVision has many functions available within its menu system (File menu, Patient menu, etcetera), though navigating through the menus to use the same function repeatedly can be time consuming and repetitive. The Toolbar exists to have quick and easily identifiable access to those functions with the minimum amount of clicks.
The Toolbar buttons are a local configuration, meaning that each computer can have its own unique buttons even if they all share a single server installation. A computer's Toolbar can be set as a default template for other workstations to use, or each PC can have its own unique Toolbar. The following guide will walk you through creating custom buttons, setting the current button layout as default, and how to set a PC to use the default button layout.
Video Walkthrough
Creating Custom Buttons:
- Open XrayVision
- Find the menu option you want to turn into a button (E.G. File > Import Images or Layout ... )
- Click on the Tools menu and select Customize Toolbar ...
- Click on the Add/Insert New button in the upper right
- The Command And Graphic Selection window will populate. This window has 4 sections; Category, Commands, Graphic, and Custom Text.
- Set the top menu option in the Category drop-down (File, Patient, Database, etc...)
- The Commands section will have all of the sub-menus and functions under the menu listed under Category. Click the desired function to highlight and select it
- You can select an icon to visually represent your button in the Graphic section.
- If you do not want the default function name to be listed under the button, you can specify a unique label in the Custom Text box at the bottom.
- Click OK to add the custom button to the end of the Toolbar (the bottom of the Customize Toolbar window)
- You can click and drag buttons within this window to rearrange them
- The options on the right allow you to create, edit, and delete selected buttons. Once all needed buttons have been created and organized, click OK
Setting Toolbar as Default:
- Open the XrayVision that has the desired Toolbar set up
- Click the Tool menu
- Select the Options Management sub-menu
- Click on Set this computer's toolbar as the default toolbar
Setting PC to Use Default Toolbar:
- Open XrayVision on a PC that needs the updated Toolbar
- Click the Tool menu
- Select the Options Management sub-menu
- Click on Make this computer use the default toolbar
Article Version 1.2 2022.04.15