If you are newly experiencing Failed Forwards as of 4/15/24, you may be running the older version of our DCV/XVCapture Software, 3.4, that can no longer forward images to XVWeb. Please submit a Support Ticket if you need assistance determining whether or not you need to upgrade!
If your XVCapture software version starts with 3.5, this doesn’t apply.
This guide will walk you through the process of resubmitting images that have failed to forward to the DICOM server.
- Open the XVCapture/DCV software. If images have failed to forward, you will see them listed as failures on the bottom of the Forward Images button.
- Click on Advanced User Tools, then Forward Images > Fix Forwarding Errors.
- A list of failed forward entries will appear. To resubmit them for forwarding, select the entries you would like to resubmit (use CTRL + Left-Click to select multiple listings), then click Resubmit and then Yes on the following prompt. (If you would like to submit the images to a different server, select Correct and Resubmit.) The listing will then disappear from this window, though this may take a few seconds if multiple images were selected to resubmit. Click OK.
- You will now see the Forward Images button display that it has "[X] Files to forward.” If automatic forwarding is not set up, click on the Forward Images button to manually forward the resubmitted files. If automatic forwarding is set up, skip this step.
- Once the images have forwarded, the Forward Images button will now show that there are 0 files to forward. The images that have been resubmitted will now be viewable via the DICOM server (if using XVWeb, the images will now be available on the associated XVWeb site now).
Article Version 1.1 2022.3.4