We have seen instances when a patients layout has lost all images (the layout still exists, however the individual images have now disappeared). This is generally caused by an AntiVirus program (or some other 3rd party program) clearing out the Windows %temp% directory. Windows 10 has become increasingly aggressive with the %temp% directory as well, causing the same issue. If a layout is open when the %temp% directory is cleaned, XVLite will prompt to save the open layout when closing. As there are no longer images held within the %temp% directory, saving the layout will apply blank tiles to the layout.
Eliminate Issue:
The update to XVLite Version 3.14 Build 2 (2014) began storing the images locally using the %programdata% directory instead of the %temp% directory, and is far less susceptible to this issue (XVLite - Reference F2487). Any version of XVLite at 3.14 Build 2 or higher will not carry the same risk, and the biggest recommendation Apteryx has for avoiding this specific issue is to update the software to the latest version of XVLite. The upgrader can be downloaded from our Updates Page.
As our XrayVision line of products, including XVLite, have been scheduled for a planned sunsetting of support (see Sunset Announcement of XVLite), it should also be noted that our software offering of XVWeb/XVCapture is not susceptible to this issue, as it too uses the %programdata% directory instead of the more volatile %temp% directory for temporary storage. The biggest recommendation Apteryx has for avoiding this specific issue, is to contact the Imaging Sales department for further information regarding upgrade options and opportunities.
Article Version 1.2 2022.1.5