The following steps will walk you through creating a custom layout in XVLite from scratch. Many of these steps can also be referenced when editing existing layouts. If editing an existing layout, click one of the following links to jump to specific changes
Steps 1, 2, and 3 are necessary for both creating a custom layout and customizing an existing layout.
- Select Layout to Edit (Step 3)
- Select Layout Source (Step 9)
- Select Layout Extension (Step 11)
- Adding Tiles (Step 5)
- Delete Tile (Step 12)
- Reorganizing Tiles (Step 7)
- Reorder Layout Tiles (Step 10)
- Edit Individual Tile Settings (Step 8)
- Open XVLite
Navigate to the Layout Definitions window by selecting a patient, click on Take X-ray, then Take An Automated X-ray Series, and select Customize Layouts in the lower left
If editing an existing layout, select the layout to edit from the drop-down in the upper right (shown below), otherwise select Layout > New Layout from the menu in the upper left
- Within the New Layout window, supply the necessary information listed, then click OK (properties listed with a * are also available by clicking Layout Options in the lower right of the Layout Definition window)
- Layout Name* - Provide an easy to identify name for the layout (IE FMX Pedo, 4BW2PA, etcetera...)
- This is an inside out viewed layout* - Check this box to have teeth 1,2,3,30,31,32 on screen right and 14,15,16,17,18,19 on screen left
- Layout Imaging Extension Preference* - Select specific hardware to be used by this layout
- Background Color* - Change the background color of the layout (most commonly used to differentiate duplicate layouts for separate hardware)
- Based On - Duplicate the existing tiles from an existing layout into this new layout
Layout Type - Choose between Grid-Locked Tiles (allows definition of grid size, shown below) and Free Floating Tiles
Add tiles by clicking one of the following buttons in the lower right of the Layout Definition window
Add Image Tile (generally used for camera images)
Add Vertical Tile (generally used for PA x-rays)
Add Horizontal Tile (generally used for BW x-rays)
- Next to the Add Tile buttons are buttons only active with a tile highlighted
Duplicate the selected tile
Rotate the selected tile (change vertical tile to horizontal tile and vice-versa)
- Tiles can be rearranged by single-click-and-holding onto a tile and then dragging the cursor away (layout will resize once the tile is dropped)
Double-click (or right-click) on any tile to associate tile specific settings, clicking OK to finalize settings
- Tile Type - Select if you would like a text footer to the tile (footer content, font, and colors are specified to the right under Text Specification)
- Taken From - Select a generic source for the specific tile (most often left at default settings as the whole layout will have a source set)
- Rotation - Automatically rotates images placed into the tile at the selected degrees (most often left at 0 degrees unless the source is a phosphor plate scanner)
- Filename - Grayed out unless Taken From is set to File, used to specify a file to be shown in the tile (usually used to add a logo into a specific location within a layout)
- Tooth Associations - Select what teeth are supposed to be captured into this tile
Select the layout source (Sensor, Scanner, TWAIN, etc...) by clicking the button in the lower left
Reorder layout tiles by clicking the button in the lower left (once clicked, click each tile once in the order you desire. If the wrong tile is clicked, re-click the Reorder button to cancel the reorder, then re-click the Reorder button again to retry)
Select specific extension for the layout to use (specific sensor, TWAIN, etc...) by selecting the hardware in the drop-down in the lower left
To delete a tile, single click on the tile to select it and press the Delete key on the keyboard
- Click Done in the lower right (then Yes if prompted) to save the custom layout
Article Version 1.0 2020.08.18