In the beginning of 2019, we at Apteryx sent out an Open Letter to the Suni Imaging Community regarding the unexpected closure of SUNI Imaging. Since then, there has been a bit of confusion as to what Apteryx does and does not support in regards to SUNI software and hardware. This article has been created with the express hope to clear up any confusion, and will hopefully keep things simple and direct while doing so.
This article will be split into two sections: Software and Hardware. Each section will try and list the products, explain what is and is not supported, and will provide whatever recommendations Apteryx can provide.
Apteryx can only sell products directly within the USA and Canada, therefore any former SUNI customer that is located outside of the USA and/or Canada cannot purchase any product directly from Apteryx. If within Northern Europe, Dentalmind might be able to assist, otherwise you can check with Video Dental.
The SUNI software primarily consisted of Doctor Suni (Dr Suni), Professor Suni (Prof Suni), and ImageQ. These programs were all re-brands of Apteryx software, with Dr Suni being a re-brand of XVLite, Prof Suni being a re-brand of XrayVision v3, and ImageQ being a re-brand of XrayVision v4.
The XVLite and XrayVision line are now considered legacy products, and are no longer being developed or supported (with the exception of XrayVision v4, which maintains support until Dec 31, 2022 - refer to our posts regarding the sunset of XVLite and XrayVision). Registration number reactivations are still being performed for the time being.
Depending on the which software and/or version, Apteryx does recommend updating/upgrading to the most current software offering. Both XVLite (depending on the version) and XrayVision v3 (all versions) are not Windows 10 compatible, and have been known to have issues with layouts loosing images. More information can be found in the following articles:
Layout Missing Images - XVLite
Layout Missing Images - XrayVision 3
The SUNI hardware was not a re-brand of Apteryx hardware. The SUNI sensors were only sold and maintained by SUNI themselves, as were their drivers. The SUNI Panoramic unit was a re-brand of an older Vatech Panoramic unit. None of the SUNI hardware was ever sold by, or supported by Apteryx. If needing to find someone that may provide some form of support for the legacy SUNI hardware, our only suggestion would be to look into the DentalTown forum.
Article Version 1.0 2020.10.08