The primary purpose of the safety cache is to prevent data loss. In the event that the program shuts down unexpectedly images are backed up on the computer they were captured on.
If your safety cache will not clear, the image may be corrupt, or the program is not getting permissions to clear it.
What to do if your safety cache is not clearing
The following steps will allow all programs and users complete read/write access to this directory.
The following steps require your user account to possess privileges to adjust permissions. If you do not possess these privileges, contact your IT group.
Begin by copying the path in the box below.
- Open the Run Dialogue by holding down the Winkey and pressing "R".
- Paste the path inside of the run box.
- Inside of the SafetyCache folder right click the contained folder that reflects the current computer name and select 'Properties'
- Navigate to the 'Security' tab and select edit
- Select 'Add'
- In the 'Enter the object names to select' Field type "everyone" and select OK
- Check the box for 'Full Control' and select OK
- Close and restart XVCapture/DCV and attempt to clear the SafetyCache once more. If the image is not clearing, it is likely corrupt. Images deleted from the SafetyCache will no longer prompt the error message.
Article Version 1.2 2022.3.9