XVLite provides users with a set of temporary labels (markers and annotations) that can be associated with an image.
A variety of labels can be applied to an image to highlight problem areas, add date and time information, define and identify performed procedures, or add general notes. Labels can be accessed by viewing a single image full screen and selecting 'Labels' on the left hand toolbar.
Adding and Modifying Labels, Markers and Annotations
The following example of how to add an Ellipse to an image effectively demonstrates how to add other types of labels, markers, and annotations available in the imaging application.
The Ellipse Label command will place an ellipse on an image. Placing an ellipse on an image is useful in bringing attention to a designated area. Users have control of the ellipse’s properties.
View an existing patient’s images and double-click to view it in full view.
Select Labels from the menu bar to access the labeling options.
Select Ellipse Label from the menu bar.
Hover the cursor over the image and note that it changes into a cross-hair indicator.
Place the stem of the indicator in the desired position on the image, Click and drag the mouse to the position where the label should be displayed. Release the mouse button to place the label in the designated location.
Double-click on the label to access the ‘Ellipse Properties’ dialog box:
Select the desired ‘Pen Size’, ‘Pen Color’, and ‘Fill Color’.
If desired, select ‘Freeze Label’ on the bottom-left of the dialog box to fix the position of the label. The label will not be able to be moved around on the image.
When satisfied, click on OK. The modified properties will then be applied to label.
Calibrating Images and Adding Measurement Labels
See this article on calibrating and using measurements.
Article Version 1.0 2021.04.09