Images may be found in a few different locations. The following guide will start with the most likely locations to find the missing images and will continue down to the less common locations. You can click the links immediately below to jump to a specific section.
Images in SafetyCache
Images Accidentally Cleared by 3rd Party Software
Failed Forward to DICOM Server
Incorrect Patient Information
Images Under Wrong Patient
- Images in SafetyCache
- If XrayVision DCV or XVCapture crashed during capture, the software should have stored the images in a location known as the SafetyCache. When DCV/XVC is next opened, a warning should populate stating <#> file(s) exist in the safety cache. Do you want to store these images now?
Clicking Yes will try to save the images under the correct patient they were originally captured under. Clicking No will dismiss the prompt, though the next time the software is open it will repopulate.
*Depending on the location of the SafetyCache, this prompt may only appear on the computer that locally captured the images or on all computers sharing the same server install. Apteryx always recommend attempting to find missing images on the PC that took them.
- If XrayVision DCV or XVCapture crashed during capture, the software should have stored the images in a location known as the SafetyCache. When DCV/XVC is next opened, a warning should populate stating <#> file(s) exist in the safety cache. Do you want to store these images now?
- Images Accidentally Cleared by 3rd Party Software
- If images in the SafetyCache are not stored, there is a chance that an antivirus or some other 3rd party software may eventually clear the SafetyCache folder. Images that have been cleared from the SafetyCache may be found in the Recycle Bin on the computer the SafetyCache is located. Most Recycle Bins are set to clear themselves out after 30 days, therefore if the missing images are older than 30 days, you can most likely skip this step.
*To find out the location of the SafetyCache, open XVCapture or DCV. Click on Advanced User Tools > Preferences > input the Admin password > select Database from the left sidebar > the path will be listed under Safety Cache
- If images in the SafetyCache are not stored, there is a chance that an antivirus or some other 3rd party software may eventually clear the SafetyCache folder. Images that have been cleared from the SafetyCache may be found in the Recycle Bin on the computer the SafetyCache is located. Most Recycle Bins are set to clear themselves out after 30 days, therefore if the missing images are older than 30 days, you can most likely skip this step.
- Failed Forward to DICOM Server
- Sometimes images can be found locally, but missing from XVWeb or a PACS server. If on the main screen of XVCapture/DCV there is a Forward Images button, verify the button does not say <#> of Files to Forward or <#> of Failures. If it shows <#> of Files to Forward, click the Forward Images button to manually start the forwarding process. If it shows <#> of Failures, click Advanced User Tools > Forward Images > Fix Forwarding Errors. Highlight all of the failures listed (click the first instance to highlight it, scroll to the bottom of the list, hold the Shift key on the keyboard, then click the last instance) and click Resubmit. After a small time the Failed Forwards window should disappear and the Forward Images button should now show <#> of Files to Forward, click the Forward Images button to manually start the forwarding process.
*If manually forwarding continues to produced <#> of Failures, or if there is no Forward Images button on the main screen, and this office does utilize XVWeb or a PACS server, please submit a ticket for our Technical Support staff to further investigate this issue.
- Sometimes images can be found locally, but missing from XVWeb or a PACS server. If on the main screen of XVCapture/DCV there is a Forward Images button, verify the button does not say <#> of Files to Forward or <#> of Failures. If it shows <#> of Files to Forward, click the Forward Images button to manually start the forwarding process. If it shows <#> of Failures, click Advanced User Tools > Forward Images > Fix Forwarding Errors. Highlight all of the failures listed (click the first instance to highlight it, scroll to the bottom of the list, hold the Shift key on the keyboard, then click the last instance) and click Resubmit. After a small time the Failed Forwards window should disappear and the Forward Images button should now show <#> of Files to Forward, click the Forward Images button to manually start the forwarding process.
- Incorrect Patient Information
- If there is a change or update in the Practice Management software, a recent conversion, or a manual entry instead of bridging, there is a chance that patient information may have changed, been added, or input incorrectly (ID number, DOB, etcetera). Querying using less patient information may pull the missing images. Apteryx suggests querying using single bits of information first (just the ID number, or just the last name, etc.). Reversing information can sometimes find the images as well (using last name as first or vice versa).
If the images are found, please reference Editing Patient Information - XVCapture/DCV to correct the patient information.
- If there is a change or update in the Practice Management software, a recent conversion, or a manual entry instead of bridging, there is a chance that patient information may have changed, been added, or input incorrectly (ID number, DOB, etcetera). Querying using less patient information may pull the missing images. Apteryx suggests querying using single bits of information first (just the ID number, or just the last name, etc.). Reversing information can sometimes find the images as well (using last name as first or vice versa).
- Images Under Wrong Patient
- *Sometimes images are accidentally taken under the wrong patient. Finding these images can be the most tedious and time consuming. To make things as simple as possible, we suggest performing the following steps from a capture PC that will not be needed for a while, with the person who originally captured the images (as they may need to identify the images by sight).
To find images that were accidentally taken under the wrong patient, perform a query with no patient information, with the Study Date being set to <date of capture> to <date of capture>. This will populate all images taken that day. Turning on Show Thumbnails is suggested. Each patient listed will have to be single clicked on to show the thumbnails of the images taken under them on that day. Visually inspect each image under each patient until the missing images are located.
If the images are found, please reference Moving Images Between Patients - XVCapture/DCV to correctly place the images.
- *Sometimes images are accidentally taken under the wrong patient. Finding these images can be the most tedious and time consuming. To make things as simple as possible, we suggest performing the following steps from a capture PC that will not be needed for a while, with the person who originally captured the images (as they may need to identify the images by sight).
Article Version 1.1 2022.3.9