Planet DDS / Apteryx has several types of registration methods for our products. One of those is a Token system. This is the standard method of registration for XVCapture and its rebrands.
The way that this works is that your computer has a registration code embedded in the software. When launching the software, your computer reaches out to our servers to verify the code is still valid, and that a free token (or individual license) is available. If, for example, the office has a subscription of 5 tokens, this means that 5 computers can simultaneously be using the software at the same time. If a 6th computer were to try to launch a copy of the software, you would receive an “out of tokens” warning. This means that your software has reached out to our server and found that there are no available tokens.
After a computer has taken a token, that individual token is set to expire in 24 hours. The support team has the ability to free these up from our side prior to them expiring.
The most common occurrences of the “out of tokens” warning comes from [1] when computers are replaced (if the old computer still holds a token the replacement computer will have no available token for use), [2] the software is installed on more computers than the office’s subscription plan covers, or [3] mobile computers hopping between wireless networks and/or access points.
#1 can be fixed by waiting the necessary 24 hours for the token to expire, or by reaching out to our support team to release the token. #2 requires the office to evaluate their current subscription and token limit versus their licensing needs, as more tokens may need added if more computers are planned to be used than the token limit allows. #3 should be increasingly rare, but if experienced, can be corrected by submitting a ticket to our support queue.
Article Version 1.2 2023.02.24